DJ Pat B - Ein Interview

DJ Pat B
2016 - USB 2.0
2014 - USBMusik
Classics // French Tek // Jump
DJ Pat B Interview
Pat B! The man in which his worldis colored in Neon and always aparty! We have a little out of thebox interview for you. We atHardtours want to ask you to finda specific word matching one ofyour initials that defines yourmusic, career or yourself.
P stands for:
Pirate (Why join the navy ifyou can be a pirate?)
A stands for:
Alcohol (No great story everstarted with someone eatinga salad)
T stands for:
Trouble (I don’t go lookingfor it but it usually finds me)
B stands for:
Berserk (That’s whathappens to you when youlisten to my music)
Finally, why should peoplecome to a Pat B or Pat BLIVE show?
A drunk pirate gettingin trouble driving youcrazy? You shoulddefinitely come andcheck that out! (If youcan handle it!)
September, 2019