Help Center - Scheduling
There are various reasons for this. Below you will find some factors that contribute to you traveling longer by bus:
- Buses drive slower on average
- Buses adhere to different speed limits
- Our buses do not run non-stop
Roughly speaking, you can always plan so that the bus takes twice as long as a car on the direct route.
Example: If it takes you around 5.5 hours to get from Frankfurt am Main to Amsterdam by car, we plan an 11-hour journey. Our bus then starts at the main station in Frankfurt am Main, for example, and travels from there to the second stop in Cologne. Here the next customers are collected and you have the opportunity for a short smoking and pee break. The first break lasts 15 minutes.
The next stop is Duisburg and the last remaining customers get on. As the bus driver must adhere to his driving and rest times, a 30-minute break is taken here.
Now it's time for the last leg towards the festival. Experience shows that smoking and pee breaks are also taken here, so that the bus finally arrives at its destination after around 11 hours.
Of course, we always want to drop you off at your destination on time BEFORE the festival starts. That's why we always plan the arrival of our buses 1 hour before the start of the event. This means: If the festival starts at 12:00, we want to be there at 11:00.
In the question How much longer does the bus ride take in comparison? you will also find an explanation of why a bus ride takes longer.
Please always remember that the bus also takes longer for the return journey. So if you have to go back to work the next day, always keep an eye on the planned return time.
Daily rest periods:
- A bus driver must take a rest period of at least 11 hours after his daily shift.
- If the rest period is split, the first block must be at least 3 hours and the second block at least 9 hours. No other splitting is permitted.
- Within a working week, the daily rest periods may be reduced to a total of 9 hours three times (reduced rest period).
- A 45-minute break must be taken after 4.5 hours of driving at the latest.
- The driver can then drive again for 4.5 hours before another break of at least 45 minutes must be taken. (Unless his working time is over and his rest period begins)
- Break times may be split: First break 15 minutes, second break 30 minutes. (It is important that the driver takes a total break of 45 minutes after a total driving time of 4.5 hours)